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Locally-Raised Funds: $50,014.73 as of 11/20/2019
Although grants are an important way to request funds for projects, no one cares for and supports our community more than you - our friends, family, and neighbors! Thank you for every dollar you have donated, for coming to every fundraiser, and for your support! Thank you for making our parks better for all.
Here are some local businesses, who have supported our parks within the last 3 years:
Bench Sponsorship Project 2017: 10 benches added to parks
From Fall 2016 through Spring 2017, BBPaRKs worked with interested local businesses and families to purchase benches desperately needed at the parks through Alpine. As we placed improved play equipment and shade in the parks, the number of people enjoying the spaces increased, and there was a need for more seating. You can visit the parks and see the local families and business who invested in our local parks!
Thank you to these generous families and businesses:​​
Blue Water Natural Foods Store: 1 bench at Kokernot Park and 1 bench at Baines Park
Keep Alpine Beautiful: 1 bench at Kokernot Park (near soccer fields) and 1 bench at Baines Park
Big Bend Regional Medical Center: bench at Railroad Park
J. Trammell: bench at Kokernot Park
K. Moody: bench at Baines Park
First Presbyterian Church: bench at Kokernot Park
Magoo's Place: bench at Kokernot Park
Rio Grande Electric Co-op: bench at Kokernot Park
Grant Monies Awarded: $107,200 as of 11/20/2019
There are various foundations and charities who share a common interest with us - whether it is to improve parks, keep children and families more physically active, improve the lives of rural communities, and others. Your BBPaRKs team works tirelessly and spends numerous hours every month finding and applying for grants to help complete some projects within our parks. As a small, rural, lower-income town, we rely on the generosity of charitable foundations along with our community supporters. We are immensely thankful to the foundations that support our vision.
Permian Basin Area
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